Reviewing Application Settings in the Jenasys Properties File

Purpose: Use the file on the Order Management System application server to review base configuration settings for Order Management System, such as where the specific parts of the Order Management System application are installed and how they should run.

Jenasys Properties File

Important: The system updates the contents of this file during the installation process and you would typically not change the contents of this file.

Location of file: This file is normally saved on the application server at /domain/conf/jenasysproperties/, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.

To review the file: You can review this file using a text editor, being careful not to change the settings in this file.

The settings in this file that you may wish to review for troubleshooting purposes are listed below




The directory on the Order Management System application server where the logs are stored.

An example directory is properties\\serverconfig\\logging.


The directory on the Order Management System application server where the system stores the server run-time data.

An example setting is /domain/conf/OMSFiles, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.




Must be set to FORCE_SERVER in order to support Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher. This entry can be anywhere in the properties file. See Browser Setup for Order Management System for more information.


Defines the necessary proxy information required for integrations with Order Management System. This setting is delivered with the application and should not be changed.

application settings OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN